Reviews & Comments

Audience Comments from “Prophecies,” 2014:

Tekina-Eiru Maynard: Congratulations! What a wonderful show. I loved every moment. The dancers, fabulous as always. The live música flamenca — WOW! I kept finding myself not breathing and had to remind myself once in a while! January 11 at 11:10pm

Lucia Rodriguez Sanchez: Thanks for all the work you… put into your production of ‘Prophecies’. It was awesome!…. It was a brilliant idea regarding the facebook videos, etc. … I enjoyed your choreography, very well put together, including the tango, jota, etc. incorporation. The band was wonderful, [Isai Chacon] did a fantastic job on his arrangements. … I hope you can perform this work more and around the country. If you plan anything in Houston again please let me know way ahead of time, would love to help. The best to you both! Sincerely, Lucia February 10 at 11:24 am

Jaqueline Lies: Hola Olivia, I didn’t get a chance to tell you what an amazing show. I was there on the 17th, and it was just insane to watch. The ladies sitting next to me in the audience were blown away. I just loved so many things, but my favorites were On Work and of course On Self-Knowledge. I couldn’t stop watching everyone’s bare feet with the steps and just watching your performance/interaction with the musicians.

Can’t wait for the next production. January 27 at 10:15 pm

Amira Grynsztejn : La produccion del show the “Prophecies” en las instalaciones del teatro de fue una de las mejores puestas en escena que he visto en los ultimos tiempos.
Recorde mis tiempos de gitana en el barrio gotico de Barcelona y lo maravillosa experiencia que compartieron, en un espectaculo cuidadosamente y amorosamente armado. Eclectico y con una calidad de baile y musica, que me inspira a seguirles la pista a esta tribu de artistas y musicos, que bajo la direccion de Olivia e Isai Chacon, me hicieron disfrutar un orgasmo flamenco en vivo. ¡Este tipo de espectaculo en vivo alimenta el alma y el intelecto! El amor se hace con todos los sentidos y Uds. Nos lo supieron compartir. ¡Gracias y Ole! February 10

[Translation: “The production of the show “Prophecies” in the TBH Center’s theater was one of the best stage productions I have seen in recent times. I remembered my gypsy days in Barcelona [through] the marvelous experience that you shared, in a carefully and loveingly prepared show. …Eclectic and with high quality of dance and music, which inspired me to follow the lead of this tribe of artists led by Olivia and Isai Chacon—you made me enjoy a flamenco orgasm! This type of live show feeds the soul and the intellect! Love is manifested through all five senses, and you were able to share it with us! Thanks and Ole!]

Reviews of A’lante Flamenco:

“Kahlil Gibran’s meditations on the human condition were fiercely grounded by flamenco in A’lante’s adaptation [of “The Prophet.] …In “On Self-Knowledge,” Chacón’s furious tientos identified her as inextricable from her role as a channel for the dance. In a deep purple, fringed dress, she offered up her delicate-featured face and thin, jutting arms in a staggering backbend before earthly, almost combustible rhythms again overtook her. Prophecies showcased the individual talents of the rest of the cast as well: Stephanie Keeton’s athletic passion, the quieter depths of Kara Leal and Karen Vilches. But my eye often was drawn to Claire Spera, the supreme fluidity of her hands and arms sprung from the reservoir of her upper back, a quiet powerhouse, and the tallness of her neck remaining uncompromised by her downward glance, which held a slight furrow at the brow.”

Jonelle Seitz, The Austin Chronicle, 1/17/2014

“The third installment of producer Joel Settles’ Flamenco Fest at the Cameo Theatre (Sept. 15-16) once again sizzled with verve and energy across the board but the work that will be most remembered was undoubtedly “The Red Shoes” performed by the Austin-based A’lante Flamenco Dance Ensemble. Inspired by the familiar Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale and conceived and choreographed by Olivia Chacon, the piece was a creative foray into incorporating flamenco in a conceptual theatrical work that engaged on all levels: music, story interpretation and dancing…

Dancing up a storm, Chacon beautifully conveyed both the protagonist’s exhilaration and subsequent disenchantment, ending with a most eloquent pose — disheveled and bent forward at the waist, with arms behind her like broken wings and weakly fluttering hands. Before that, she and her four friends – Barbara Garza, Stephanie Keeton, Kara Leal and Claire Spera, filled the stage with intense, classy dancing.”

Jasmina Wellinghoff, San Antonio Express-News, 9/17/2012

(Of “Metamorphoses”, performed at Big Range Austin Dance Festival)  “…with three spirited short pieces, Olivia Chácon proved just how flexible flamenco’s centuries-old movement and rhythm vocabulary remains. Dancing to live musical accompaniment, Chácon, joined by three female dancers, distilled traditional flamenco to an angular essence, then burnished it with contemporary touches before adding back the traditional clattering shoes.

Jeanne Claire Van Ryzin, (Austin-American Statesman), 7/2/2012