Dancer. Originally from Santa Barbara, California, Claire moved to Austin from Los Angeles in 2010 after completing a Master’s in arts journalism at the University of Southern California. She grew up studying ballet, modern, flamenco, and Spanish folk dance with Linda...
Guitarist. A recent arrival from Havana, Cuba, Jose has studied concert music and classical guitar studies at at Instituto Superior de Arte de Cuba. In Havana, Jose worked as musical director and guitarist at Alma Flamenca and Ecos Flamenco Company, before arriving in...
Dancer. Karen began her training in flamenco at the age of thirteen under the instruction of Beatriz Aguilar and was a member of her dance group, Espana Viva, for four years. Throughout her dance career, Karen has had the opportunity to supplement her training by...
AUSTIN — 40 million people living in the U.S. today were not born here. While many read political conflict into that statistic, Olivia Chacón sees artistic potential. Chacón is Director of A’lante Flamenco, an Austin-based flamenco music and dance troupe that is...
Wow, great write-up from the San Antonio Express News’ Jasmina Wellinghoff in advance of A’lante’s upcoming shows next January 10 & 11, 2015! Excerpt: “Kahlil Gibran’s book “The Prophet” has been a source of inspiration for countless...